Jun-Prof. Dr. Julian Scheu

Professional career after the DFM
After completing the DFM program, I passed the two state bar exams in Cologne. Between the exams, I spent about three years doing a doctorate in international business law at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne, including research stays in Paris and London. Subsequently, I was appointed junior professor for public law, international law and international investment law at the University of Cologne.
Connection to the DFM Program
I associate the DFM with a particularly instructive, joyful and formative phase of my studies. In addition to the academic training and cultural experiences, personal relationships and friendships developed during the course of my DFM studies - even across cohorts - for which I remain grateful to this day.
Influence of the DFM study program on professional development
I consider the positive influence of the DFM study program on my professional career to be quite significant. Thinking beyond the national context has fundamentally shaped my understanding of law. The training in the DFM program has laid the foundation for this. In practical terms, this can be seen, for example, in the fact that I became acquainted with my current research focuses in international business law and the law of international dispute resolution during the DFM program.