The study office at the University of Cologne help in case of further question regarding the application process, course of study and unanswered questions concerning the french-german law program. You can contact us here .
Programme Directors
University Professor
Dr. iur. Markus Ogorek, LL.M. (Berkeley), Att. at Law (NY)
University Professor
Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. David Capitant
Academic Advisory Council (Cologne)
University Professor and President of VerfGH NRW
Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Barbara Dauner-Lieb
Previous Programme Director Cologne
University Professor and Judge ad hoc at the CJEU
Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Thomas von Danwitz
Previous Programme Director Cologne
University Professor and former ECtHR Vice-President
Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Angelika Nussberger, M.A.
University Professor and Special Advisor at the ICC
Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Claus Kreß, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Vice-President of LG Köln
Dr. iur. Simone Kreß
Staff (Cologne)
Paul Mattheß
Gerold Kirst
Cara Theisinger
Federico Bartmann
Staff (Paris)
Françoise Breithaupt
Nans Méger