Juristen des deutschen und französischen Rechts (J.D.F.R.) e.V.
The association is an initiative of students and alumni of the DFM law program as well as of external interested parties on the Cologne side. It has set itself the goal of making the German-French study program known and promoting contacts in the professional world.
The J.D.F.R. e.V. is in close cooperation with the Association des Juristes des Universités de Paris I et de Cologne (JPC), its pendant at the Sorbonne in Paris. Unlike the DFM Alumni e.V., which has taken over the function of alumni association since 2018, students as well as already graduated members of the J.D.F.R. e.V. are primarily concerned with supporting the active DFM law students. Whether workshops in law firms or companies, information events on career opportunities, regulars' tables or the traditional Berlin trip - the J.D.F.R. e.V. accompanies DFM law students in various ways in their university life and later in their working life:
Mentor program: In order to expand the contact between the different classes, J.D.F.R. e.V. provides the students with a mentor at the beginning of the program. These mentors are available to answer questions about internships and career choices as well as to provide practical tips on study organization. If you are an alumna or alumnus of the DFM Law Program and would like to become a mentor, please contact us.
Yearbook: Together with the JPC, the J.D.F.R. e.V. publishes the DFM Yearbook, which contains the contact details and general information of all graduates of the DFM Law Program. This is intended to strengthen the cohesion within the DFM and to make it easier for students to find an internship or their first job. In addition, an online yearbook provides a platform for interest-oriented exchange.
Annual event: The annual event of the J.D.F.R. e.V., which takes place every year in Paris or Cologne, offers a good opportunity for personal conversations and the exchange of ideas with former fellow students as well as for getting to know new members of the "DFM family". In addition, leading practitioners from all areas of legal life always participate in the annual reception with professional contributions.
Conferences and Stammtische: The J.D.F.R. e.V. organizes regular conferences at which lawyers from all professional groups give lectures on various topics. Following the conference, a Stammtisch (regulars' table) is held, which offers the opportunity to make contacts and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Note: For alumni, the DFM Alumni e.V. also offers its own Stammtische several cities and countries.
Berlin trip: Every year, the J.D.F.R. e.V. organizes a trip to Berlin for the new cohort of DFM law students. The goal of this trip is to promote contact between German and French students as well as to offer insights into potential future fields of activity. Accordingly, the trip includes a wide-ranging political, cultural, historical and legal program. In addition to visits to major international law firms, the program also includes appointments at the German Bundestag, the Bundesrat and various federal ministries.
Board members The board members elected by the members of the J.D.F.R. e.V. are actively engaged in the objectives of the association and, in addition to membership administration, are responsible in particular for the organization of numerous activities and events. The board consists of the following persons in the year 2023/24:
Giovani Nantcha
Isabell Reitz
Dora Saal
Benjamin Guse Member of the J.D.F.R e.V.
33th Promo
DFM Student
Linnea Marxsen Member of the J.D.F.R e.V.
33th Promo
DFM Student
Olivia Mbonjo Member of the J.D.F.R e.V.
30th Promo
DFM Alumna
Membership in the J.D.F.R. e.V. is in principle open to all students and alumni of the DFM law program. However, external interested parties who are committed to promoting the Franco-German study program and would like to support its students are also welcome.
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The J.D.F.R. e.V. is recognized as a non-profit organization. The membership fee is at least 15 Euro per year (especially for students). At the same time, the association is happy to receive higher membership fees as well as external donations in order to strengthen the financial reserves of the association. Bank details can be provided upon request. Every financial contribution opens up greater financial scope for the organization of meetings and study trips, the publication of the Yearbook, etc.